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Wednesday 15 July 2015

Information report: Elephants by Anaika

The elephant is a mammal because it is warm blooded, drinks milk and it has hair. 

Elephants have big, brownish-blackish ears, a big long trunk, 4 legs and 1 pair of tusks. Elephants can survive without tusks. While male elephants have tusks females don’t have any tusks. Asian elephants are born without tusks.

Elephants are herbivores. These are some things they eat: grass, bamboo, bark, roots and leaves. Adult elephants eat around 150kg of food a per day. The elephants' predators are big cats (lions) and hyenas.

Elephants live in Asia and Africa. African elephants are a little bit bigger than Asian elephants.

Elephants can live up to 70 years in the wild. Baby elephants are called calves. Female elephants carry babies in their stomach for 22 months. Normally the cow (female) has one baby at a time but can rarely have multiple births. Male elephants live with their mother until they’re 12. Female elephants live with their mother until adulthood. Calves (babies) are born alive. 

Male elephants are endangered because they are hunted for their tusks. I personally think zoos are the best place for some elephants such as the male because of their tusks. It may be that elephants will one day become extinct. I think the needs for elephants kept in zoos are company, puzzles and entertainment. Elephants spend most of their time foraging for food so good toys to stop elephants getting bored could be: putting food inside a ball and the elephant has to crack it open to get it. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job Anaika! It was interesting reading your report. I had never really considered that elephants have predators. Well done from Mr Giles
