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Monday, 17 August 2015

Going to the movies

I went in my mum’s car with my mum, my brother Reuben and me. When we got there my body shock with fright when the loud music and bright lights of the movie started. The music stopped and the movie started I wondered what the music would be like. It said Doctor proctor and the fart powder. Doctor proctor invented some powder that made you shoot up into the air when you farted. But Doctor proctor didn’t know what he would use  the fart powder for so he said “this is useless”. “No it isn’t” we will think of something” said one of the kids who where watching from over the hedge next door.The next day  the kids came to Doctors proctors house’. They said “we have thought of something”. What!!!! said Doctor proctor. Two kids said “maybe we can sell them at the school disco tomorrow”. Ok first we need to test them. So the next day they went down to the park to test the fart powder he went shooting into the air so high and it was so stinky that you count not even look at it. When we was back on his feet he had a hole in his pants that was really funny. So the next day they sold them at the school disco and made $523 dollars out of the fart powder. Then some people knocked on the Doctors door and said “look at what you have done and look how much damidge you have done to my kids” so they called the police and they saw the damidge that had happened to the kids so they put Doctor proctor in jail and one kid and there was only one kids left to try and save them but the kids where not actually hurt they where in suits they where tricking so the kid said to the police what happened to the liers so Doctor proctor and one of the  kids came out of jail aswhell as Doctor proctor and the two kids who lied and the dad went into the jail. 
The end by Oliver luke giles!!!!


  1. Hi Oli, its Izzi here.The movie sounds really funny.I'm sure it made you laugh a lot.You painted a great story in my mind.Did Reuben have fun too?

  2. Hi Oli its Shohei here, I hope you had a great time, did the fart powder make you laugh a lot? And did your dad come to the movies?

    By Shohei
